Possibly the perfect handheld mirror: The makeup mirror has distortion-free viewing, pure 10x magnification, hands-free hinge and is known as the perfect sized mirror and exactly what people are looking for in their handbag or while travelling. And, maybe you’ll find this mirror just as perfect. Lightweight and Compact: As you open this little mirror, you can begin to feel it relaxed in your hand. It weighs just 100g and measures 1.5cm thick and is great fun to take out of your purse and open all day. It’s taller than most, but you’ll also notice it’s comfortable to wear. Distortion-free and 10X Mag: sooner or later you’ll need to zoom in on a facial hair, eyelashes or blemishes and you will end up pulling this mini face mirror due to its distortion-free 1x lens, 10x magnifying mirror lens and non-traditional compact size. Impeccable vision Hands-free technology. Imagine a hinge that opens flat 180 degrees for an easy-to-handle pocket mirror. And now imagine that same hinge, closing